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Swagelok Switzerland

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Electric Valve actuators

Automated Valves
Automated Valves.


for spindle valves, pressure regulators and ball valves

Our solutions can be described as follows:
• Innovative and user friendly
• Simple activation due to incorporated engine control system
• Manually and/or direct selectable with customary control devices
• No specific control devices necessary 
• Precisely accurate and reproducible metering, even within shut-off zone, due to suitable valves 
• Precise control of the OPEN-STOP-CLOSED-functions by smallest increments up to a maximum of 20 rotations 
• Internal shut-off with end position switch 
• Performance in ATEX series II category 2G EEx d IIC T6 available

Technical report electric valve actuators

Questionnaire for 24 VDC actuators